Posts Tagged ‘WorkBC Assistive Technology Services’

Adam’s Improved Quality of Life

man working at his laptop, wearing headphones

Adam is a web developer based in Victoria. His work — which involves long hours on the computer — is taxing on his body due to a spinal cord condition.

 “I have a spinal cord condition that causes chronic back and lower body pain. It makes it difficult to sit or stand for prolonged periods,” he says. “It also makes it difficult to concentrate and problem solve.”

Jeffrey Improves His “Ability to Listen and Follow Conversation” with Hearing Aids

Stock photo of man in a lawn

Jeffrey is an apartment manager in Vancouver, responsible for everything from checking new tenants into the building to responding to on-call issues like noise complaints.

It’s a job that requires good communication with tenants and the contractors he calls to take care of maintenance issues.

However, he’s been struggling with his hearing — dealing with tinnitus, sound sensitivity, and hearing loss.

“Without this help, I never would have been able to get hearing aids.”

Karen in front of a WorkBC Assistive Technology Services sign

Working for a home care provider in Kelowna, Karen helps clients live in their own homes by coming over and helping them with tasks ranging from meal prep to dressing and bathing.

Karen was finding, however, that she needed help herself.

“I am a middle aged woman in fair health with a hearing impairment,” she explains. “I cannot always hear what clients are saying.”

Accommodations Allow Tessa to Embark on an Education for a New Career

woman using computer

Tessa couldn’t be happier with the accommodations she received through WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.

“I cannot stress enough how important these accommodations were to giving me the opportunity to continue my education. I highly doubt that going back to school would be possible without the proper equipment that was provided to me,” she says. “Not only does this help me with work, but it gives me hope in a brighter future.”

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services Helps David Perform At Work

students sitting on stairs with large glass windows behind them

David is a lead hand supervisor at a post-secondary institution in Kelowna. He is in charge of a wide variety of tasks on campus from event set-up to installing whiteboards to snow removal.

David has suffered from hearing loss since he was born. This can make many parts of his job, which requires a lot of communication with college staff, a lot tougher.

Dana Is Able to Continue Her Career Thanks to Her New Hearing Aids

a classroom setting with students listening to a presentation

Dana works as a real-time transcriber for post-secondary students, largely at the University of Victoria, captioning lectures for students who are hard of hearing or deaf.

However, Dana was finding she was struggling with her own hearing.

“I often work in a team with another transcriber, so I would notice they were getting things — mostly student comments that were across the room — that I wasn’t fully hearing. As you can imagine, where my job is to actually hear for someone, this became quite alarming,” she explains.

“I’m Not Worrying Anymore About My Ability to Perform My Job,” Lisa Grateful for New Hearing Aids

Stock image of two women in meeting

Lisa works as a seniors program coordinator at a recreation centre in Coquitlam.

“My daily work environment varies from morning to afternoon, and from day to day. Sometimes I’m one-on-one with the seniors, other times I’m running a large group event. Some days I conduct small workshops. Some days there are staff meetings or board meetings,” she explains.

“The Hearing Aids I Have are Unbelievable and I Will Be Forever Thankful”

a business man smiling

Russell has worked as an inside sales representative for a building materials company in Chilliwack for nearly a decade.

Having “grown into” the role after having had to transition to less physical work following a hernia operation, Russell found his groove, doing everything from over the counter and phone sales to providing quotes for construction companies.

However, he was facing a significant barrier in this line of work.

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Solutions logo
400 – 3999 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6P9
604 473 9360 | 1 877 673 4636
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Hearing Solutions logo
400 – 3999 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6P9
778 945 1215
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