Posts Tagged ‘assistive technology’

How to: Set up and Use Voice Access for Android

Close-up of person's hands using a smartphone

In past e-bulletins, we looked at text to speech options that allow users to dictate text into their phones, tablets, and PCs. Voice Access takes that concept to the next level by allowing users to fully control their device using only their voice. This feature is especially helpful for users with mobility or vision challenges who may struggle with gestures and other physical interactions.

ClassDojo Virtual Classroom

student using headphones and looking at laptop, taking notes in notebook

2020 has seen a huge shift in how classroom content is created, taught, and corrected. And while we were perhaps headed in that direction anyways, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated the need to establish remote learning tools in the classroom. The good news is there are lots of great options available, and most of them are free, or offer limited free functionality.

The New Android Accessibility Page

Youth seated in wheelchair, outdoors, using his phone and smiling

When it comes to discovering assistive technology and accessibility features, it’s often difficult to find everything you need in one place. As we’ve mentioned in a previous e-bulletin, Apple has had a great landing page for all things accessibility for some time, but up until recently Android was lacking a comprehensive accessibility landing page.

Omnifocus: A Task Management App

woman typing on her laptop at her desk

It’s not always easy to stay on task; we live complicated lives split between work and play, between what we want to do and what we need to do, and it’s easy for things to get lost along the way. This is especially true for individuals who struggle with executive functioning or attention-based challenges. One way to stay on task and organized is to look at using a task management app. These apps allow users to digitally write, plan, view, and track daily tasks with ease, so instead of spending mental resources trying to remember what needs to be done, the focus can instead be put on the task itself.

New Android 11 Accessibility Features

Woman wearing a mask, using her phone

Android has recently released version 11, and with it comes some interesting new accessibility features and improvements. We’ll include the link to complete Android 11 accessibility page at the bottom of the article, but since there’s a lot to look at, we’ve taken the liberty of identifying and listing the biggest changes and improvements to come out of Android 11.

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