“I Was at a Loss as to How I Was Going to be Able to Afford New Hearing Aids”
Christine works at a daycare in Kelowna. Her job involves a lot of communicating and listening.
“My duties include communicating with the children’s parents, and my co-workers and supervisors. Answering phone calls, administering first aid if necessary and interacting with the children,” she shares. “I am severely hearing impaired and require two hearing aids to be able to fulfill my duties at work.”
“I Would Not Have Been Able to Afford New Hearing Aids Without It,” Roxy Praises WorkBC ATS
Roxy needed new hearing aids.
“My old hearing aids were not functioning at a high enough level for me, resulting in the need for people I work with and serve to repeat themselves constantly. This led to frustration and lack of productivity,” she admits.
Less “Pain, Fatigue and Frustration” for Gail
Gail is the business development officer at a car dealership. As part of her job, she’s on the phone a lot, keeping clients happy and drumming up new business.
However, she’s been having a hard time hearing, especially over the phone.
“[It was] often difficult to hear or understand what clients were saying, and [I was] asking them to repeat themselves — and even then not always able to make out what they were saying,” Gail explains. “Very challenging as my work is mostly on the phone.”
“It Has Made Me More Confident,” WorkBC ATS Helps Precella Improve Her Communication at Work
Precella works as an airplane groomer — her job is to keep the airplane cabins clean. And as lead hand, she assigns duties, gives instructions, and communicates with supervisors and airline agents to make sure scheduled flights are cleaned on time.
In a job that requires a lot of communication, Precella faces a significant barrier — she is hard of hearing.
Heather Grateful to “Better Perform” at Her Job with New Hearing Aids
For over 20 years, Heather has helped students from across the globe learn English as an English Second Language teacher. But now she’s having an easier time inside the classroom, thanks to hearing aids purchased with the help of WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.
“I feel less tired and frustrated in class since I don’t have to ask for repetition or apologize for not being able to hear. I also feel less isolated in social situations,” she explains.
“It’s Really Surprising What I Was Missing Out On,” Daniel Gets Hearing Aids Thanks to WorkBC Assistive Technology Services
Daniel, of Kelowna, works in the industrial supply sector, filling compressed gases and inspecting materials for welding supplies, also filling from time to time as a relief driver.
The difference for Daniel since getting hearing aids with the help of WorkBC Assistive Technology Services has been enormous.
Angela Finds Independence with a New Wheelchair Lift
With a new wheelchair lift in her van thanks to WorkBC Assistive Technology Services, Angela no long has to worry about her commute to work.
“I now have a safe and reliable means of getting to work,” she shares. “This has removed a great deal of stress for me.”
“Thank You Doesn’t Seem Adequate,” Hearing Aids Give Michelle a New Lease on Work
Michelle, of Kelowna, works with a non-profit group, giving leadership and training primarily in Latin America. Her work sees her providing interactive training, as well as coaching and working with their teams on the ground.
It’s work that requires a lot of listening, and that was becoming a problem.
Shruti is “excelling at work” with WorkBC Assistive Technology Services
Shruti, of Richmond, is “truly grateful” for the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services program.
“Thanks to the Assistive Technology Services program I am excelling at work! Not only am I able to perform my job responsibilities, my hard work has made an impact,” she exclaims. “My contract, which was originally for three months and meant to end in mid August, was extended another three months!”
Ben’s Ability to Work Improves with Technology@Work
“About three years ago, I lost my eye,” says Ben. “It was my good eye. That’s what prompted me to not do any more work. I’ve had a visual impairment most of my life, but it got worse.”