Which Cloud Service is Right for You?

Do you find yourself often running out of hard drive space? Have you noticed that your computer has begun to slow down significantly after owning it for a couple of years? Taking advantage of free, cloud-based storage is a great way to maximize your overall digital storage potential, and to prevent you from having to spend money on a bigger hard drive, USB sticks, external hard drives, etc. That being said, you may have noticed that there are quite a few options to choose from! In an effort to better understand these options, we’re going to compare and contrast the top four cloud-based services available today.
WorkBC Assistive Technology Services Makes Remote Work Easier for Victoria

Victoria works as a business software specialist in Port Moody managing her company’s implementation of a customer relationship management (CRM) software. Her team has worked remotely since 2019 and she spends a significant amount of time conferencing through video and audio with colleagues on different continents.
She has had bilateral hearing loss since childhood, and audio-only conferences prevented her from lip reading or using other coping mechanisms to compensate for her hearing loss.
Victoria learned about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services through a family member who also has hearing loss, and decided to apply.
Do More with Microsoft Teams

Within a relatively short period of time Microsoft Teams has seen widespread adoption across schools, business, and groups across the globe, and for good reason. The platform is free, easy-to-use, and offers plenty of accessibility features for individuals across a wide spectrum of backgrounds, learning styles, and abilities. And while the app does a great job of pointing users to its many useful features, there is so much to explore within Teams that we thought we’d create a list of some tips and features for Microsoft Teams that you may not know about.
Hearing Solutions: Accessible and Affordable
Through grants and subsidies, we can reduce the financial barriers that may prevent you from getting the hearing aids you need.
Call 778 945 1215 to book your free hearing test with Neil Squire Hearing Solutions, a fully accessible hearing clinic in Burnaby.
Peter Earns His First Client Thanks to New Hearing Aids

Peter is a mechanical designer based in Surrey, and is currently in the YMCA self employment program. He is looking for new clients and contract work as he works towards starting his own business.
Last year, Peter experienced significant hearing loss.
“It was very difficult for me to get a job because I could not even conduct an interview,” he shares.
We Have Solutions! – Episode 6: Growing and Innovating with Chad Leaman

On episode six of “We Have Solutions!,” we are joined by Neil Squire’s Director of Innovation Chad Leaman.
We touch on a variety of subjects, including the evolution of 3D printing and assistive technology, adaptive gaming, the evolution of communication technology during COVID, and how he managed to broker a million-dollar deal with Google.
Folder Management for iOS

Last week we looked at folder management for Android and explored how to create new folders, how to manage them, and, how to locate files and folders that have already been created. Today, we’re going to look at the same functions, but in the context of iOS devices including iPad and iPhone.
Hearing Solutions: Book Your Free Hearing Test Today
“A hearing test can feel very intimidating for a lot of people… and when they come in, they realize that it’s not this big scary thing.”
Call 778 945 1215 to book your free hearing test with Neil Squire Hearing Solutions, a fully accessible hearing clinic in Burnaby.
South Korea National Research Project Researchers Visit Neil Squire
As part of the National Research Project on Assistive Technology Support & Service in South Korea, researchers visited our Burnaby office today to learn about our programs best practices. We provided a tour of our office and overviews of Solutions and Makers Making Change and we were happy to share our expertise in the area of assistive technology.
Jason Increases His Productivity With WorkBC Assistive Technology Services

Jason is the founder of a small technology company in BC.
“I’m working remotely in a home office, and my duties require me to wear just about every hat in the company,” he shares.
“I have a repetitive strain injury. It makes it progressively more challenging to perform my work tasks and be productive during the day.”