WorkBC Assistive Technology Services Helps Wallace Stay in the Workforce

Wallace is 67 and he works as a nutrition and food services manager for an alcohol and drug treatment centre on Vancouver Island. He manages a staff of 12 people to provide food services for about 100 inpatients. As part of his job, he needs to consult with patients about their dietary and nutritional needs.
“Clear and concise communication is a must in an, at times, noisy environment,” he shares. “Progressive hearing loss had begun to limit my effectiveness within the workplace. Constantly asking others to repeat themselves or crowding in to hear what is being said can be very uncomfortable. Participating in open meetings was becoming very difficult if I was unable to follow the conversation or discussion. My overall effectiveness as a manager was declining.”
Through WorkBC Assistive Technology Services, Wallace received funding to help cover the costs of the hearing aids he needs to stay in the workforce.
“Without the financial assistance, I would not have been able to access this needed technology,” he says.
Wallace says he “absolutely” recommends WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.
“It allowed me to still be able to provide a valued service to my employer,” he shares. “I am better equipped to perform my required duties. Hearing what is being said in a noisy kitchen, being able to participate in management meetings effectively, and being able to converse clearly with patients to fulfill their nutrition and dietary needs has improved the overall outcome of my work requirements.”
“Without the assistance provided by the WorkBC ATS program, I wouldn’t have been able to access the needed technology and my time remaining in the workforce would have been greatly reduced. Thank you.”
WorkBC Assistive Technology Services is operated by Neil Squire. Assistive Technology Services are available to individuals who have a work-related barrier due to a disability or a functional limitation. This may include barriers related to traveling to and from the workplace.
Questions about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services? Need help applying? Contact us: 1-844-453-5506 or
Please visit for more information about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.
Tags: assistive technology, BC, Hearing Aids, WorkBC Assistive Technology Services